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The MUTEC MC-8 and MC-8.1 are extremely flexible, high-performance 8 channel AES3-AES3id digital audio and sampling rate converters.The MC-8 converts and distributes unidirectionally AES3 to AES3id signals, whereas the MC-8.1 works in the opposite conversion direction. Both devices process digital audio signals up to 192.0kHz in all operation modes. Based on latest FPGA designs, the MC-8 and MC-8.1 achieve levels of performance regarding their signal qualities, unique flexibilities, clocking features and their 8 channel sampling rate conversion engines (SRC), which are outstanding in today’s industry!
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انت تقيم:Mutec MC-8 8 channel AES Format & Sampling Rate convertor AES3/11 to AES3/11id